Think and Do
At NC State, we are dedicated to sharing the results of our research on Spanish in North Carolina, including through our focus on community outreach. From our Hispanic linguistics table at Fiesta del Pueblo and "Dialect Night" with local high school students, to our collaborations as part of the Language & Life Project, at NC State you won't be confined to the classroom.
Fiesta del Pueblo

Fiesta del Pueblo
Since 2015, Hispanic linguistics faculty and students have been sharing linguistic knowledge at the annual Fiesta del Pueblo, one of the largest Latino festivals in the southeast. Stop by, learn about Spanish in North Carolina, and pick up our new dialect button!
Noche de dialectos

Noche de dialectos
Every year, we invite local high school Spanish students to campus, where we provide a series of workshops on Spanish dialects, language variation and linguistic diversity. La noche de dialectos helps encourage high school students to continue their study of Spanish, and to appreciate linguistic differences across geographic and social boundaries.
NC State Fair

North Carolina State Fair
As part of the Linguistics program and Language and Life Project at NC State, Hispanic linguistics faculty and staff support these programs' linguistic outreach at the NC State Fair every fall. With a focus on language variation in North Carolina, we celebrate and share the rich linguistic heritage of the Old North State, which includes the increasing presence of Spanish since the 1990s.