Degree Programs
What our students are saying
Our students are at the top of their game, working one-on-one with leading faculty on innovative research, traveling to professional conferences, and co-publishing their research in peer-reviewed journals.
The training students receives pays off - our graduates are highly sought after to work in education, the private sector, and as candidates at the top Ph.D. programs in the country.

Did you know that participating in Undergraduate Research provides tangible benefits to both students and faculty? Interested in learning more about the research process, and what your faculty are investigating in Hispanic linguistics? Reach out to your professor directly, or contact us and we'll put you in touch with some of our outstanding faculty. It's the first step on the road to discovery.
Interested in language? How students learn Spanish? How Spanish in Spain, Latin America, and right here in North Carolina varies and changes across time and in the present? How is Spanish affected by language contact? Find these answers and more with an MA focus in Hispanic linguistics, part of the MA in Foreign Languages at NC State.